Monthly Archives: January 2016

Most Popular/Common Words in Spanish

This group emphasizes conversational practice, and not rote memorization or translation.  However, there is the idea that, if a person knew the most common or popular words, phrases, exclamations, etc. then they would take a big step in being able to express their thoughts and experiences, and recognize much of what a Spanish speaker was saying or writing.

There are several focuses, and levels, so you can pick and choose according to your goals and abilities.  This blog post is going to give you links to other locations, and some directions and evaluations, rather than pick up a whole list and paste them here.

Let me know if this helps!

David B.

Frequency Dictionary of Spanish – Mark Davies

This is excellent work by a college professor.  One one hand, it lists 5000 words, in sequence, so you can take them in groups of 100 and practice the ones you don’t yet know.  He also assembles words in particular groups of the same topic.